
Sunday, October 06, 2019

Dems Repeat Kavanaugh Smear Script w/ Lies About Trump to Cover Obama Admin Corruption w/ Foreign Countries and Intelligence

We've seen this movie again and again. Dems won't win this one either!

A year ago the country was made witness to the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings farce. At the last minute Dems pulled out Christine Blasey Ford to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of rape. Before her appearance she was scripted and led by Democrat lawyers bought and paid for by billionaire America hating leftist and former Nazi collaborator George Soros. Ford's story was full of holes. Even her own parents and best friend didn't believe it. As the charge fell apart Democrats magically produced other women who made similar charges only to see those recanted or dropped. But the effect of this mountain of lies remains. That was enough for Democrats. The 2020 Democrat presidential candidates continue to make false allegations against Kavanaugh as if they haven't told enough lies.

Fast forward to this year with the sudden appearance of a "whistleblower" who accused Trump of all manner of misconduct in a phone call to the President of Ukraine. It didn't matter that none of what was alleged happened as was soon proven when President Trump released the actual transcript showed none of this was true. We learn that the whistleblower, who admits his only evidence is hearsay, violated federal whistleblower regulations when he went to Democrats on the House Intelligence Committee instead of the Inspector General. Immediately he was connected with another law firm bought and paid for by George Soros. The footprints of these Democrat lawyers are all over the whistleblower complaint.

Further proof of this orchestrated effort comes from Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Schiff, who is already in hot water for simply making up quotes from the Trump transcript had earlier denied any contact between him and his staff with the whistleblower. But as the New York Times reported that's not true either. The Washington Post Fact Checker awarded Schiff four Pinocchio's for that pants on fire lie. President Trump made that into this video:
It isn't just that Schiff lied about his staff contact with the whistleblowers. He broke House of Representatives protocols on how such key information was to be handled. Readers may recall that when Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) chaired the same committee he was forced to recuse himself for going to the Trump White House to investigate spying by national security agencies. Schiff and top Democrats all demanded Nunes recuse himself. Will they follow the same standard now? Don't hold your breath!

And what happens when this current whistleblower is fully exposed as a partisan plant put in the Trump White House to spy on the President by former CIA Director John Brennan? The Whistleblower is described by the Intelligence Inspector General Michael Atkinson as someone with an “arguable political bias . . . in favor of a rival candidate.” How long before the story falls apart completely? Not to worry, just as they did with Kavanaugh Dems have another one all ready to go. No doubt with another set of George Soros lawyers already writing the complaint. It's the Kavnaugh gameplan with fresh faces. Only this time they are hoping this specious claim of being a whistleblower means he can make the accusations without his identity being known. How convenient.

Why Dems so Desperate?

This constant lurch from one phony manufactured crisis to the next is all about weakening Trump in the run up to 2020. But it's potentially far more than that. While Democrats are all screaming phony charges of Trump conspiring with foreigners to influence our elections Attorney General William Barr has been touring world capitals to investigate how Dems did precisely what they are accusing Trump of doing in the 2016 election.

We know how the Hillary campaign paid for the Steele Dossier. Written by a British spy with Russian sources. None of it true. We also know there was an effort far more serious than Steele's absurd claim that Trump hired prostitutes in Moscow to pee on a bed. General Barr was been in Italy where one of the prime players who started the whole Trump-Russia circus has been hiding out. The Australian government has also been assisting and one assumes the British are as well.

Democrats have already tried to delegitimize Barr but if he presents evidence showing that Obama Administration officials conspired with foreign counterparts to spy on Trump then the table will be truly turned.

We are also waiting on the Horowitz Department of Justice Report on FISA abuse by Democrat officials in the Obama Administration. Together they may be the one two punch that once demonstrates once and for all what real lawbreaking looks like.   No one will be talking about Trump's phone call to Ukraine.

This is why Democrats are so desperate to muddy the waters.  They will be aided in this by the same left wing media that sees nothing wrong with former Vice President Joe Biden bragging about coercing the Ukrainians to fire a prosecutor investigating his son.

Chris Farrell writing at the Daily Caller sums it up perfectly:
So the colluders accuse Trump of colluding, the bullies accuse him of bullying, the conspirators accuse him of coverups, the politicians accuse him of playing politics, the profiteers accuse him of profiteering. Whatever they accuse President Trump of next, you can bet they are already up to their necks in it.
P.S. Sen. Ted Cruz invites whistleblowers from the Obama Administration to come forward with their inside knowledge. Perhaps we can finally find out what happened at Benghazi, the IRS, Fast and Furious, the Iran Nuke Deal and what Obama was promising Putin after the election. Come on, file those anonymous third person accounts. I'm sure the media will cover it. Right?

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