
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Dems Impeachment Farce Explodes as Key Gotcha Witness Changes His Testimony. Supports Other Witnesses: No Harm No Foul!

Media ran with fake news headlines that suggested otherwise. The correction will likely be buried!

How many times have we seen this? Trump-Russia? Fake news. Covington Catholic kids racist? Fake News. Trump extorted Ukraine in return for aide. Again, FAKE NEWS!

Wednesday was supposed to be a big banner day for impeachment fantasists. Ambassador Gordon Sundland was going to drop the dime on Trump. The headlines were written; they are still up online. The problem is that Amb. Sundland's testimony deviated wildly from his prepared statement. Chairman Adam Schiff (D_CA) thought he had Trump. Earlier he had rushed to the microphones once again to say exactly that. How many times (RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA) has this guy lied? He got the pie thrown in his face today.

Trump: "I want nothing. No quid pro quo. Do the right thing:"
But we are not done. NO ONE gave any hint that Trump or any other Administration official or Rudy Guiliani was communicating any quid pro quo:
And it's not just Ambassador Sundland. Not a single witness in this Democrat farce has said anything about bribery, extortion or threats to Ukraine:
Then there's this:

Rep. Turner: You had a meeting with the President of the United States and you believe the policy issues he raised were valid, correct?
Ambassador Volker: Yes.
Rep. Turner: Did the President of the United States ever say to you that he was not going to allow aid from the United States to go to the Ukraine unless there were investigations into Burisma, the Bidens or the 2016 elections?
Ambassador Volker: No he did not.
Rep. Turner: Did the Ukrainians ever tell you that they understood that they would not get a meeting with the President of the United States, a phone call with the President of the United States or military aide or foreign aid from the United States unless they undertook investigations of Burisma, the Bidens or the 2016 elections?
Ambassador Volker: No they did not.
Rep. Turner: Pretty much Ambassador Volker you just took away their entire case!

Ambassador Volker: “At no time was I aware of or knowingly took part in an effort to urge Ukraine to investigate former Vice President Biden. As you know from the extensive real time documentation I have provided Vice President Biden was NOT a topic of our discussions.”

Maybe we should cheer on this Schiff Show. It's clearly helping Trump:
The American people are not as stupid as the average CNN or MSNBC viewer. They've seen one lie after another about Trump exposed. Meanwhile, The Department of Justice Inspector General has begun releasing his findings. We are now seeing that it was Democrats who broke the law and this impeachment farce is cover for the coup they waged against Trump and the U.S. Constitution!

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