
Saturday, November 23, 2019

Someone Please Check on @Jdubbs60. He Must Be Smoking Flavored Jules!

The American left never gave a damn about Russia for decades. Suddenly it's the biggest threat in the world. Yet they laughed along with Obama when he dismissed that concern in a debate with Mitt Romney. "The 80's want their foreign policy back" Obama quipped. What a shame hapless Romney didn't have half the guts President Trump does.

Had an exchange on Twitter with another of these clowns claiming Trump is Putin's puppet. I replied:
Got this in return:
Then the clown blocked my reply.

Funny because he might want to know it was Obama who gave the Russians an opening in Syria. Not Trump.

And after Russia invaded Ukraine the Ukrainians begged Obama for defensive weapons. He sent socks and blankets. Trump sent the tank killers Ukrainians needed.

When Russia demanded Obama drop U.S. missile defense pacts with Poland and the Czech Republic Obama complied. Poland is now building Fort Trump with U.S. help.

Does anyone really think Putin wants a strong America with huge increases in our military budget or that they want us to be the world's energy leaders?

Would someone that clown @jdubbs60 has not blocked on Twitter (I imagine it's a long list) make sure the clown gets the news. I think he's really worried about Russia for the first time in 60 years!

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