
Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Dems and Media in Denial as Justice Dept. IG Finds Extreme Abuse of Power in FBI Investigation of Trump

Inspector General Horowitz: "We are deeply concerned that so many basic and fundamental errors were made by three separate, hand-picked investigative teams, on one of the most sensitive FBI investigations."
Comey the LIAR:

Michael Horowitz, the Department of Justice Inspector General testified today before the Senate Judiciary Committee. His findings confirm the worst of what we imagined was done to Trump by the FBI in starting their phony Russia probe. Horowitz also confirms the findings of Rep. Devin Nunes. The phony Russian dossier WAS the central reason flawed FISA warrants were issued. 17 major errors all to Trump's detriment.

Here's Horowitz's opening statement:

While the Trump hate media is scrambling to cherry pick the report these facts are undeniable:
The Washington Post called the Nunes Memo "A joke and a sham." Guess what. Every word was true. Schiff, the Post and Dems LIED!

Here's clear proof of REAL abuse of power by the Trump hating deep state. Every one of the people targeted by this illegitimate investigation should be pardoned and receive compensation for their legal fees. People who did this should face the same accountability they demanded.

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