
Thursday, January 16, 2020

CNN Releases Hot Mic Audio After Dem Debate to Undermine Bernie Sanders.

Two liars, one stage, so little time!

When the Bernie Bros aren't praising Stalin and plotting to put Trump supporters in concentration camps and threatening violence they're getting worked up over Elizabeth Warren:
Warren's campaign is failing. So, going after Bernie might have been a strategic calculation for her. But the woman has lied so many times about multiple aspects of her past, not just her fake Indian heritage, that it's difficult to take anything she says seriously.

After Tuesday's Democrat debate,CNN may have decided to help her out to take down Bernie by releasing audio of a moment between Sanders and Warren after the debate:
Before he learned the audio had been released Bernie claimed the two were talking about the weather. It seems lying is a habit among Dems and Socialists.

I wonder if all those Bernie Bros who want to send Trump supporters to the gulags want to send CNN there too?

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