
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Ask Black People. They WANT the Cops. So, Why are White Leftists So Insistent The Cops Should Be Banned?

It's nothing more than the new face of the KKK. No more white robes, just black hoods. And now women fanatics can join too!

By now, anyone who has been following the recent wave of left wing riots has noticed that it's usually white people complaining about the police. The images of white women shouting at black cops makes a particular statement.

These menopausal white Karen's are everywhere. If they are attacked by a predator they are the first to demand police protection. So why don't they want it for black people?
It's not just conservatives who are getting more than a little fed up with these entitled left wing college programmed left wing robots on hormones.

Here's how one cop in Portland Oregon, ground zero for left wing fascism, responds:

Officer Jakhary Jackson, a member of Portland police’s rapid response team that has responded to ongoing protests for nearly 50 straight days.

You have white people screaming at black officers, ‘You have the biggest nose I’ve ever seen,” said Jackson, a nine-year department vet. “You hear these things and you go, ‘Are these people, are they going to say something to this person? No.’”

Jackson, who graduated from Portland State University with a history degree, said the situation has been “actually frightening” given his own educational background.

“A lot of times, someone of color – black, Hispanic, Asian – will come up to the fence, and directly want to talk to me: ‘Hey, what do you think about George Floyd? What do you think about what happened with the police?’” Jackson said.

Then, “someone white” would walk up and start saying “eff the police” or “don’t talk to him,” Jackson recalled.

“It’s been very eye-opening,” Jackson said during the briefing, adding that he’s witnessed more minorities among his counterparts than within the crowds of “violent” protesters.

“I got to see folks that really do want change like the rest of us, that have been impacted by racism. And then I got to see those people get faded out by people who have no idea what racism is all about, that don’t even know that the tactics they’re using are the same tactics that were used against my people.”
If you listened to Democrats and their left wing mobs you would think that all black people want to get rid of the police. Yes, "literally abolish the police." As the officer described above, this is just another tactic of the KKK/Antifa who push aside genuine black voices so that only their radical message is heard.

But that silent majority, which includes black America, is out there:
But the black voices above and millions like them will be ignored and marginalized by the race hustlers and marxists who currently control the Democrat Party. When black voices do speak out they are often called racist names by the very people who claim to care about racism. The only chance the people above have for a better life is to vote for Trump.

And some of them are taking action into their own hands to counteract the far left's racist narrative:


No doubt these brave black women will be vilified the same way all other blacks who refuse to obey the orders of white liberals.  But they will speak at the ballot box unless the left steals those votes too!

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