
Sunday, September 06, 2020

Contrast the Violence of Biden Supporters with the Entirely, Not Mostly Peaceful, Trump Boat Parades

Tell me again which side is violent?

So, we started with the week in Boulder, Colorado with a woman assaulting a 12 year old boy for putting up a Trump sign. Now this:
To sum up, Biden voters attacking children, blocking traffic, harassing people in their homes, smashing restaurants, chanting death to America, sending thugs to attack speakers at a pro Trump event then attacking them on the way to the police station. In short, exactly the kind of behavior that FASCISTS do.

Meanwhile, since most Trump supporters work (when Democrat governors allow it) they had to wait until Saturday to show their support:

Quite a contrast. Hate and violence from the Biden-Harris crowd contrasted with beautiful, joyful Trump boat parades!

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