
Sunday, September 20, 2020

John Kerry Explains Why Obama and Biden Failed to Get Peace in the Middle East

They were criminally feckless and incompetent! John Kerry was supposed to be one of the smart people. An adult. He was supposed to be the expert. But if you get something like this so very, VERY WRONG doesn't it explain why the rest of the Obama Biden foreign policy was such a disaster? Troops out of Iraq. ISIS butchers hundreds of thousands of innocent and Obama sends troops BACK to Iraq. The red line in Syria that never was. Or Russia, where they watched as Russia devoured Ukraine! Not to mention China's military expansion into the South China sea! But enough. Let this sink in: Early on President Trump cut off aid to the Palestinians. Then he sent his son in law Jared Kushner to the Middle East to meet with leaders privately. Huge public visits to Saudi Arabia and the end to Obama's disastrous $100 billion payoff deal to Iran cemented our position with Arab states. \ So, when time came for a separate deal between Israel and Arab states, the Arabs told the Palestinians to shut up and sit down. The Arab League voted down a Palestinian resolution condemning the first round of peace agreements. This is unprecedented. And now Israel and the Arabs are on the path to peace and despite Obama lackey's lame attempt to take credit for it, out of John Kerry's own mouth we know that can't be true!

1 comment:

Walter Parsons said...

Interesting read

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