
Tuesday, November 03, 2020

Dems Ballot Chaos the Great Unkown in Election Results

If Dems are such defenders of democracy why do they cheat?

Over the last six weeks in states run by Democrats we've seen a determined effort to flood the states with ballots then demand that they be counted whether they can actually be verified or not. The outrageous decision in some states to not even check voter signatures on ballots that are returned means that ballots sent to dead people, dogs and cats could be counted.

Here's a small sample of what I have seen:

Democrats claimed they needed mail in voting because of their irrational fear of the China Virus from which 99.9% of people survive. In South Carolina, Dems sued. One plaintiff said he could not leave his house yet he posted photos on social media attending a BLM protest! If Biden can't make it over the finish line Democrats are standing ready to flood the zone with illegal ballots. It's the next shoe to drop in their ongoing coup against democracy and freedom. Democrat cities are boarded up in anticipation of left wing violence. No one fears violence from Trump supporters if we lose. Maybe we should change that!

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