
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Democrats Tax Cuts for the Rich Christmas Present

 Second highest cost of the bill they voted for was a giveaway to the super rich!

Let's just take it from a left wing web site. Common Dreams:

$285 Billion Tax Cut for the Rich Is Now 2nd Most Expensive Piece of Build Back Better

"The whole initiative seems deliberately sculpted to hand the American right a weapon to bludgeon Democrats ahead of the election."


November 17, 2021

A $285 billion tax cut that would predominantly flow to rich households is now the second most expensive component of the Build Back Better Act after corporate Democrats succeeded in slashing funding for a number of key progressive priorities—and removing other programs entirely.

"At a time of massive income inequality, we must increase taxes on the 1%, not give them huge tax breaks."

With the House of Representatives preparing to vote later this week on the roughly $1.8 trillion reconciliation package, the Washington Post reported Tuesday that Democrats' plan to raise the cap on state and local tax (SALT) deductions from $10,000 to $80,000 through 2026 would be "more costly than establishing a paid family and medical leave program, and nearly twice as expensive as funding home-medical services for the elderly and disabled."

"Over the next five years, raising the SALT cap would provide a tax cut only to those who itemize their taxes and pay more than $10,000 in state and local taxes—a group overwhelmingly made up of the wealthy," the Post noted. "A recent analysis from the Tax Policy Center says the tax cut will benefit primarily the top 10% of income earners, with almost nothing flowing to middle- and lower-income families."


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