
Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Obama Gives Biden Cold Shoulder at WH Event. Everyone Ignores Biden Who Walks Aimlessly

 Time to bring in his nurse and put him to bed!

The only person watching Biden was the Secret Service and a Military Aide (nurse?) Was the Secret Service protecting Biden or Obama? It's stunning to see how fast Democrats have turned on Biden. Something big is coming and it's not just the 2022 midterm election. Have you seen Biden's poll numbers lately? Ghastly doesn't begin to describe them! What will Democrats do? If they force Biden out, or if he's indicted along with his son for taking money from Russia, China and Ukraine then Dems are stuck with Kammy Harris who has lower approval ratings than Biden.


Elizabeth said...

Look, lets not pretend that Trump was some kind of savior or an angel. For every 10 good things that Trump there are a few bad things, but of course common logic would tell you that he is was FAR better than Obama and miles better than.. But we need to be realistic when we speak about Trump. I voted for him and I am not ashamed of it, And I most CERTAINLY would vote for him again, but I do not see him through rose colored glasses either.
With that said, Id love to see him in office right now!

Tom said...

That Progressive blog and its Idiotic author is SO obsessed, and Jealous of Donald Trump that she can’t help herself from writing about him( Trump) whenever there's a SCREWUP by Delusional Biden.
For example
The other day earlier this week there were videos on line showing that President Biden wad walking round in a crowd, looking lost and being confused, and ignored..

So, the Progressive Ditz has to post a video of Trump 3 years old, to try and equalize the Biden catastrophe .

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