
Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Democrats Incite Assasination Attempt Against Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh

Their rhetoric has "released the whirlwind" of violence that Senator Schumer threatened!

Remember this?
It's not just Schumer. EVERY Democrat has been out there enabling and justifying illegal activity, which includes protests outside Justice's homes. There is a FEDERAL LAW which prohibits exactly the activity that Democrats encouraged:

The SAME LAW was used to lock up Trump supporters for more than a year without trial but NO DEMOCRAT has been charged for breaking it.

Now they are taking it to the next level:
This is happening across the country. Send a threatening email to an abortion clinic and the FBI will be at your door. But these crimes go largely unpunished without any evidence of a serious investigation: When will the Senate hold hearings to examine Senator Schumer's role in the violence? When will we see his communications with these violent groups? Will those hearings be televised in prime time so every American can see for themselves where the violence is coming from?

1 comment:

Deal With It said...

Should the Democratic Party be charged as a Terrorist Organization?
If not, why not?
The Highest Ranking person in the Democratic Party Chuck U Schumer stood up on the Supreme Court’s stairs up and ILLEGALLY THREATENS those on the Supreme Court on how to rule on abortion. And especially called out Justice Bret Kavanaugh by name.

A Democrat then illegally leaks information on how the Supreme Court may rule on abortion.

A left wing group then illegally makes public the addresses of only the conservative judges on the Supreme Court. Check.
A left winger goes in to the Home of Justice Bret Kavanaugh armed with a Knife, and a Gun and attempts assassinate Bret Kavanaugh.
He even went as far as telling the police that he wanted to Kill the Supream Justice
Now up will now, you could argue that the fringe of the Left is violent and act like Brown shirts, and maybe even argue that Schumer simply used the wrong words as he seemingly threatened their lives.
They are self-serving, manipulating, scheming,, corrupt, and criminal ... they will call upon their sheep and their domestic terrorist followers to commit acts of intimidation, violence, and terrorism ... but they are also gutless cowards who don't have the balls to perpetrate it themselves.

They prefer to poke the hornets nest then stand off to the side and watch the chaos and carnage, giving themselves 'plausible deniability' and the opportunity to. blame others for their mess
However, the Democrat controlled House recently voted to block a measure to help protect those on the Supreme Court after the attempted assassination of Kavanaugh. Also, Schumer refuses to apologize for seemingly calling to arms those on the Left to murder those on the Supreme Court., even after the attempted assassination of a Supreme Court justice. This tells me he is not sorry for the way he came across, and also tells mentally disturbed people prone to violence the same thing. And lastly, it is illegal to protest in front of the houses of the Supreme Court. However, Merrick Garland of the DOJ refuses to enforce federal law. It is explicitly a violation of federal law to protest in front of the home of a judge or a juror. That happened at numerous justices' homes over the last several weeks, yet Merrick Garland still is not pursuing charges against any of them. Merrick is too busy going after parents and parent teacher conferences in schools all across the country to be bothered.
The DemocRATS, Progressives, Libers, Marxist’s are far worse than the Mafia ever thought about being. The need to be declared a domestic terrorist origination.....Arrests, the stripping of citizenship, and mass deportations should follow.
When Schiff was caught Lying, Manufacturing False Evidence against a President of the United States he should have been perp-walked in handcuffs out of the Capitol and into Jail.

When Pelosi publicly admitted to Insider Trading then declared she would stop under certain conditions, she should have immediately been arrested and charged, sent to jail like they did to Martha Stewart
Oh, and as for the January 6th hearing can be shoved as far up their rectums as humanly possible, and then some

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