
Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Democrats Incite Assasination Attempt Against Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh

Their rhetoric has "released the whirlwind" of violence that Senator Schumer threatened!

Remember this?
It's not just Schumer. EVERY Democrat has been out there enabling and justifying illegal activity, which includes protests outside Justice's homes. There is a FEDERAL LAW which prohibits exactly the activity that Democrats encouraged:

The SAME LAW was used to lock up Trump supporters for more than a year without trial but NO DEMOCRAT has been charged for breaking it.

Now they are taking it to the next level:
This is happening across the country. Send a threatening email to an abortion clinic and the FBI will be at your door. But these crimes go largely unpunished without any evidence of a serious investigation: When will the Senate hold hearings to examine Senator Schumer's role in the violence? When will we see his communications with these violent groups? Will those hearings be televised in prime time so every American can see for themselves where the violence is coming from?
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