
Sunday, June 12, 2005

In a Historic Slice of Hell: Stories from the REAL Cuban Gulag

In a Historic Slice of Hell: "This infernal institution is a bloody hall of fame for the conscientious.
Eusebio Penalver fought Fulgencio Batista's tyranny as an officer under Ernesto 'Che' Guevara and joined the anti-Castro guerrilla resistance when Castro's tyranny began (i.e., when he came to power). Imprisoned in 1960, he was in Combinado del Este when exiled in 1988.
On March 15, 1990, Jorge Luis Garcia Perez responded to a broadcast of the Fourth Communist Party Congress by advocating the liberalization occurring in Eastern Europe. Castro's KGB then beat him and arrested him for 'enemy propaganda.' Nearly 13 years later, Combinado del Este is his most recent stop in the Cuban gulag.
Rafael Ibarra Roque is president of the November 30th Democratic Party* and husband of ex-prisoner of conscience Maritza Lugo. Convicted in February 1995 of 'sabotage,' he's in Combinado del Este suffering a 20-year sentence.
(*The November 30th Party derives its name from the Nov. 30, 1956, anti-Batista uprising led by 22-year-old Frank Pai�s. Pais protested communist infiltration of the anti-Batista movement and Castro's centralization of power. On July 30, 1957, senior Batista henchman Jose Salas Canizares found him in eastern Cuba and murdered him. Castro biographer Robert E. Quirk wrote that Castro 'seemed strangely unmoved' by the news and noted, 'In many respects the removal of Frank Pai�s from the scene proved to be a blessing ... one more possible rival had been eliminated.')
Two months after Roque's conviction, National Council for Civil Rights in Cuba president Francisco Chaviano was sentenced to 15 years for 'revealing state security secrets,' 'revealing administrative secrets' and 'falsifying public documents.' He's in Combinado del Este.
And now so is Dr. Biscet.
He and t"

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