
Monday, June 27, 2005

Left Media Covers News It Wants You to Hear About

Does the New York Times still carry the quote "All the news that is fit to print" in it's masthead? I wouldn't know, I stopped reading that paper years ago.

But reports from conservative media analysts like the Media Research Center pay people to sift through these rags and watch "mainstream media" newscasts and they came up with some very interesting information.

Apparently, the New York Times along with the chorus of it's followers in television media thought that Karl Roves remarks about liberals and Septmeber 11 big enough news to splash it front and center. But when Senator Durtbag Durbin threw gasoline on the fires of anti-American hate by comparing our troops to Nazis and Soviets in Gulags and Pol Pot, hardly a peep.

Most people who go about their lives busy with work and family spend little time reading or watching the news. So if they do pick up a story line, it's usually one on the front page or heavily covered by television media. So they can be forgiven for thinking that Karl Rove must have done something wrong to "go on the attack" against liberals.

Thus, it behooves those of us who read blogs like this one, to pass along the information that helps foster a more informed perspective. And just for fun, mention this story to a liberal and wait for the inevitable reply that what Karl Rove said in accurately describing liberal responses from groups like somehow equates to speech which incites violence and hatred.

From Media Research Center: Nets Skipped or Barely Touched Durbin & Clinton, Now Jump on Rove

When Howard Dean made any number of his outlandish attacks on Republicans, Senator Hillary Clinton described Republicans as "people who have never been acquainted with the truth" and Dick Durbin slimed servicemen by equating detainee treatment at Guantanamo with Nazis and the Soviet gulag, the broadcast network evening and morning shows ignored the remarks, or got to them fleetingly months or a week or so later.

But when Karl Rove, the White House Deputy Chief-of-Staff, observed that "liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding to our attackers," the networks pounced within hours. ABC's World News Tonight, which had never shown the allegations from Clinton or Durbin, jumped on Rove. Anchor Elizabeth Vargas snidely asserted that Rove "was not attempting to reach across the aisle." Jake Tapper relayed how Rove's "remarks had Democrats up in arms today as they recall the bipartisan resolution to go to war against al-Qaeda." Tapper scolded: "President Bush came to office promising to change the tone in Washington. Political observers say it has changed. It's nastier." NBC's Kelly O'Donnell passed along: "Adding insult, Democrats say after 9/11, both parties stood with the President." CNN's Aaron Brown chided Rove for his "silly" comments.

Washington Post Buried Durbin, But Puts Rove on the Front Page
Like the networks, the Washington Post showed it's a lot more excited about Karl Rove, putting him on Friday's front page, after burying Dick Durbin in short stories inside.

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