
Monday, June 27, 2005

Tom Delay Tells It Like It Is

At the College Republican convention in Washington on Friday, U.S. House of Representatives MAJORITY Leader Tom Delay delivered an excellent speech entitled "Fear and Loathing in the Mother Ship."

If you want to know why he's target number two, just behind Bush, here's why:

Majority Leader : Tom Delay: Good afternoon, or, as John Kerry might say: "Bonjour!"
I have a simple message to pass along: the national Democrat party seems to have lost its marbles.Though they remain a potent electoral machine, armed with battalions of trial lawyers and entertainers, and their Grand Coalition of the Perpetually Partisan, they are no longer a serious force in the national debate.Their single organizing philosophy is an irrational, all-encompassing, broiling hatred of George W. Bush.

They hate him for a million reasons.But most of all, Democrats hate the president because on every political issue of significance since he came into office, he has beaten them like rented mules.

Just look at their presidential candidates: it’s like they’re lost in a time warp. They want to tax like Mondale and spend like Carter. While everyone else got the memo that big-government, blame-America-first liberalism died with disco, the Howard Dean Democrats still want to party like it’s 1979!

Maybe we should thank the Democrats for shedding their moderate clothing to reveal their true Swinging-Seventies selves. But frankly, America doesn’t need a president in a hot-pink leisure suit.

Today, the United States is at war.It’s not a war of our choosing, nor of our instigation.But it is a war.The September 11th attacks were not isolated incidents, or the actions of disgruntled political dissidents.They were a premeditated assault on the freedom of every human being on this planet, and the United States is now committed to fight global terrorism with every resource at our disposal.

Containment is not an option to say nothing of appeasement. Terrorism will either be confronted – dead on – or it will destroy the free nations of the earth.But in the last 18 months, it has become clear that the extreme, Bush-hating wing of the Democrat Party has decided to either ignore or reject the fundamental realities of 21st century life.And rather than distance themselves from the hate, the party’s leaders have embraced it.
Ridiculous as it sounds, the logical extension of the Democrat leadership’s assertion is that President Bush is an international war criminal.

If we are to take this nonsense seriously, THAT is how out of control the Democrats’ rhetoric has become.But, you see, that’s the whole point. The Democrats’ accusations AREN’T meant to be taken seriously. Because they’re unserious people.

We’re in the middle of a global conflict between good and evil and they’re in the middle of a Michael Dukakis look-alike contest.They either don’t understand or don’t care that this is a time for serious leadership.They’re just trying to change the subject, because on the issue of Iraq, they have nothing of substance to offer: only fear, and loathing, and a motley crew of presidential contenders.They’ve gone off the deep end.


Bob Graham – a respected former governor and chairman of the intelligence committee –is calling for the president’s impeachment.

John Edwards – a so-called moderate – compares the president to a dangerous socialist.

And Dennis Kucinich – a long-time member of Congress – now calls for legislation – I love this – to ban “mind control� weapons in outer space.

These ideas aren’t unpatriotic… they’re just weird. It makes you wonder if at their next presidential debate, the Democrats are all going to show up wearing aluminum-foil helmets to protect their brain waves from the mother ship! People who believe such things cannot be trusted with national leadership, period.

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