
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Senate Bolton Filibuster Continues...

"The Senate is back in business," were the words of South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham (R)at the conclusion of "the deal" by the gang of 14 Senators to end judicial filibusters. Graham told radio host Sean Hannity that now we could get back to "doing the people's business" and he specifically mentioned the confirmation of John Bolton to be our Ambassador to the United Nations as something that could now proceed because of the newfound goodwill developed between the Republican and Democrat members of the "gang."

After another lengthy delay, another vote to end the filibuster took place on Monday, June 20. You're not supposed to call this a "filibuster" but then you're supposed to refer to Democrats as "mainstream" and "moderate."

Only three of the seven "mainstream" Democrats in the gang of 14, voted to end the filibuster and let the nomination go to an up or down vote. Ben Nelson (NE) switched his earlier no vote to yes joining Landrieu (LA) and Pryor (AR) who had previously voted yes.

Meanwhile, Republican Senators Voinovich (OH) and Thune (SD) switched earlier yes votes to no. I've written previously on my disappointment with Voinovich, whom I invited to join President Reagan for an Ohio event years ago. Seems he is getting a bit loony in his old age and is becoming an embarrasment to his state.

I contributed to Senator Thune's campaign when he was a longshot to replace former Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle. Thune is voting against Bolton as a protest for the suggested closing of a military base in his state. I recently returned a letter urging me to support Senator Thune's new Heartland PAC with a note outlining my disappointment that he would not support President Bush in this crucial confirmation battle.

Where things go from here isn't entirely clear. The Democrats of course suggest we send some weanie UN apologist to New York and make nice with that band of thieves and despots. But of course for eight years during the Clinton Administration, their entire foreign policy was centered on making people like us while all the time terrorists were plotting ever greater attacks against us.

Previous post on Bolton filibuster vote

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