
Monday, September 26, 2005

Media Whore Sheehan Jealous of Hurricane Coverage

Flopping Aces waded into the socialist sewer that is Daily Kos and found a bright ray of sunshine amidst the slime. Muther Sheehan complained that on Saturday, the day of her big March on Washington, replete with the trappings of old hippies, Marxists, socialists, communists and race pimpers, the national media was focused on Hurricane Rita, as it ravaged the Texas and Louisiana coast.

A reader currently dealing with the life threatening ordeal of that storm responded.

Here's a portion of the exchange. Visit Flopping Aces for more.


I am watching cnn and it is 100 percent rita...even though it is a little wind and a little is bad, but there are other things going on in this country today...and in the world!!!!
by CindySheehan on Sat Sep 24th, 2005 at 06:29:15 PDT

I'm in Southeast Texas with family on the coast and in Lake Jackson, LA.
I'd like you to tell us it's just a little wind and rain. They've lost their homes, jobs and businesses and gone through fear and panic while you bask in your fan's adulation, party with your celebrity friends and play the star.
Shame on you, you're jealous of media coverage of other's suffering. You've become a caricature and I no longer support you. I'm ashamed I ever did.
by hibsnet on Sat Sep 24th, 2005 at 18:19:40 PDT

I hope Curt at Flopping Aces took a bath and gave his computer a thorough virus scan after that visit to Daily Kos.

Sheewitch Arrested Outside White House...Hey! Look at Me! Look at Me!

Disappointed with the lack of attention Muther Sheehan received on Saturday, she decided that a new publicity campaign was necessary to highlight how this is all about her. So she led a group of peaceniks (defined as those who actually want the US to lose the war, completely neuter the US military which results in mass murder in the Middle East and eventual establishment of a global Islamic caliphate) outside the White House, where they were arrested for one of their silly sit-ins.

This woman craves attention. It's all about her, so for those who might be not be fully acquainted with her pathology, here's a primer:

  • She's been trading on the sacrifice, memory and honor of her son Casey, who twice volunteered to serve in the military, understood it's mission and fully supported it.
  • She has been a media story since she climbed into the ditch outside the President's ranch in Crawford, Texas. Casey's grandparents, aunts and uncles were troubled that she would trample all over Casey's beliefs to promote her own agenda and spoke out publicly begging her to stop.
  • She has made quite a nice little packet of change for her efforts to trade on her son's honor. Not only was her house in California remodeled by volunteer labor and materials, she is now considering book and movie deals.
  • She has drawn in supporters such as black racists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, who can no doubt advise her on the best way to line your pockets while exploiting tragedy and misfortune.
  • She has drawn in supporters like white supremacists David Duke (kept hidden away from the media when Jesse and Al are in town.)

That's just a small cross-section of the Sheehan pathology. It's a narcissitic malady that infects more than this foul creature. It's symptomatic of the leftists in general who seem intent on forcing their mal-formed views of the world on the rest of us.

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