
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Kurds 4 Bush, Part II

A couple of our Michael Moore lickspittles made some typically snide and scurrilous remarks after viewing the first photo of Kurdish women displaying photos of the Iraqi President meeting President Bush while waiting in line to vote.

You can read some of the smuggery in this comment thread. Just for the record, the source is Getty Images, and a catalog of similar photos is here.

One particularly snide moonbat remark is that the women in the prior photograph were not "smiling" so they must have been forced to display these photos. In the one above, the first woman displays about as much warmth as a Kurd can, after realizing how liberal/socialist human rights activists completely turned their back on the genocide of the Kurds when the activists allied themselves with the evil Hussein and against United States efforts to bring democracy, freedom and hope to the region.

Editors note: The earlier photograph was selected because it more clearly showed the two Presidents at the White House. The one above, does a better job at conveying the emotion of the person displaying the photograph.

Bush a hero to Iraqis? Why it's almost more than a moonbat can take! Damnit!

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