
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Miers Review

At the time of this writing, an overwhelming majority of readers, 71%, support the confirmation of Harriet Miers to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Opposition to the nomination appears to come mostly from a cabal of far right conservatives coming over from Confirm Them.Com and groups of lefties originating mostly in New York City, and Boston. Toss in a few no votes from useless Michael Moore screamers that were previously banned from commenting on this site and a couple of non-citizens expressing an opinion from overseas and a truer expression of the conservative base becomes clear. They all say the same thing: I SUPPORT THE MIERS NOMINATION.

Oh, and in case you are wondering how I know where the no votes come from, it's a variation of the technology which allows me to welcome readers, like you, from .

Here's a wrap up of all the Miers related info on these pages:

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