
Tuesday, November 08, 2005

UN to Take Over Internet? - Beware a 'Digital Munich': Senator Norm Coleman:It sounds like a Tom Clancy plot. An anonymous group of international technocrats holds secretive meetings in Geneva. Their cover story: devising a blueprint to help the developing world more fully participate in the digital revolution. Their real mission: strategizing to take over management of the Internet from the U.S. and enable the United Nations to dominate and politicize the World Wide Web. Does it sound too bizarre to be true? Regrettably, much of what emanates these days from the U.N. does.
The low point of that planning session was the European Union's shameful endorsement of a plan favored by China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Cuba that would terminate the historic U.S. role in Internet government oversight, relegate both private enterprise and non-governmental organizations to the sidelines, and place a U.N.-dominated group in charge of the Internet's operation and future. The EU's declaration was a "political coup," according to London's Guardian newspaper, which predicted that once the world's governments awarded themselves control of the Internet, the U.S. would be able to do little but acquiesce.

Read the rest here.

I suppose if we were misfortunate enough to have John Kerry's "global test" forced upon us last November, we'd be handing over the internet to the freedom lovers in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Cuba right now. After all, we just want the world to like us right?

Does anyone think that handing the internet over to that den of theives and thugs at the UN would be a good idea?

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