
Thursday, December 15, 2005

Iraq's Miracle of Freedom

The polls have closed in the election to select Iraq's permament government under their new constitution. By all accounts turnout was heavier than both previous elections, with long lines in all areas of the country, especially the Sunni areas; and only 14 minor attacks reported against polling stations.

Many families took their children to the polls, dressed in their best clothes in a festive celebration of their future in a new Iraq where ballots are replacing bullets and dictatorship and death have given way to democracy.

There is a bright shining star of hope and freedom rising on the horizon of the Middle East. All Americans should be proud to have played such a central role in this miracle.

What a shame our Defeaticrat friends cannot join the party. Leading up to this latest historic event Razor Sharp Claws (who comments here as Dcat) had a commenter who said the following:

"I seem to remember north korea, nicaragua, cuba, franco's spain and mussolini's italy having elections. why don't we call them democracies?" This same attention starved individual also feels that Reagan had nothing to do with winning the Cold War. Delusion is a harsh mistress! If this person does not understand the difference between a one party state election where only approved candidates are on the ballot and a free and open process, then it's clear we need to reform the failed public school system in this country that would allow such persons to graduate.

Ah, but this is a day to celebrate, not pity the lost souls that would condemn our nation to defeat. Let's focus instead on people like Sooni, an Iraqi living in Baghdad, who blogs "Yes, it was the right decision" in response to President Bush's speech yesterday. People like Sooni have endured decades of horror at the hands of Saddam and endured the violence since he was removed. Should not their voice carry as much weight as blind obstructionist Defeaticrats?

A happy Iraqi in Suleimaniya demonstrates support for the United States on the eve of the Iraqi election. Someone please phone Congressman Murtha's office and let him know!

BBC Highlights Mike's America Comments on Bush Speech.
It's always nice to get noticed by the major media. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC, or "the Beeb") picked up Mike's America comments on President Bush's speech in a report entitled "Media react to Bush Iraq speech." It's good to see the Beeb offering the readers of their web pages additional perspectives.

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