
Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Mike's America Year in Review: April & May 2005

Continuing with our series of the year in review: Mike's America style.

April's Mike's America found us discussing the Bolton nomination to be Ambassador to the United Nations. And of course the lefties were ramping up for another go at the "Bush Lied" lie. Aided as usual by their friends in the lamestream media. The following post "Did Bush or Media Lie About Iraq WMD" punches holes in the lie. The Duelfer Report concludes: "Syria was involved in transactions and shipments of military and other material to Iraq...analysts believed there was enough evidence to merit further investigation" Yet the headline in the Washington Post was ""Report Finds No Evidence Syria Hid Iraqi Arms."

Affirmative Action programs for conservatives continued to be a reapeating theme throughout the year with fresh revelations of discrimination and intimidation on the college campus. There was some good news on this subject later in the year, but it's likely we'll see more example of liberal/socialist facism in the new year.

Newt Gingrich had an important article "Conservatives Need to Take Power, Not Just Take Office" which was posted here along with the test: "Are YOU a Conservative?" This isn't one of those silly internet "what kind of furry animal are you" tests, but a quick ten question poll that is pretty revealing. What was your score?

And since we're taking tests. I put together a quick essay:

We all know that this country has alot of problems, or so we are constantly being told by the news media and their Democrat friends. So,I'd like to ask the class if they can name a recent policy initiative by Democrats in Congress to address concerns regarding either:
  • Defense and the war on terror
  • Education
  • The environment
  • Social Security
  • Healthcare
  • Immigration
  • Tax policy and the economy

Can anyone name a Democrat policy initiative in these areas of vital concern? Anyone???

House M A J O R I T Y L E A D E R Tom Delay became target number one in 2005. Never mind that Nancy Pelosi was already found guilty of funny money PAC scams and forget that Senate MINORTY Leader Harry Reid has lined the pockets of every MALE member of his family. Apparently Democrats are feeling nostalgia for the good old days when corruption was more out in the open:

Democrats nostalgia for the Clinton Years

Among all the political machinations, there was some sad news. The death of Pope John Paul II reminded each of us old enough to remember what an impact that great man, along with his partners President Reagan and Prime Minister Thatcher had on the world.

Rest in Peace John Paul the Great

May Mike's America: Judicial Confirmation Madness

Barbara Streisand, the eminent thinker of the Democrat Party weighed in to screech a high note off key about the coming of a theocracy of the religous right, made possible by Bush's fearmongering over terrorism. Democrats in the Senate insisted that THIS filibuster of judicial nominees was only right and proper.

It was said that confirming nominees Pryor, Owens and Brown would result in that theocracy that Babs was screeching about. In the end, the Senate compromised, after a deal with dangerous constitutional implications arranged by the gang of 14. Those same judges that were so very evil just days before were confirmed.

Meanwhile, President Bush was in Tbilisi, Georgia. This former captive nation within the Soviet Union was experiencing it's own democratic revolution:

Tens of Thousands Greet Bush in Tbilisi

Another in a series of articles came out in May to debunk AGAIN the notion that science definitively concludes global warming is a real, let alone man made phenomenon. Here's more proof to cram down the throat of your hippe freak tree hugging neosocialist environmental religionists: Scaremonger Shun Evidence of No Global Warming.

With the new Mayor of Los Angeles proclaiming upon election that "Mexico will shape my policies" Some American citizens wonder how long it will be before California once again becomes part of Mexico. Immigration becomes a key issue in 2005.

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