Well here's a surprise!
A Cherry Creek social studies teacher will not be disciplined or lose his job, after a student went public with a tape recording of controversial comments the teacher had made in class.
Superintendent Monte C. Moses said Jay Bennish will be reinstated to his job at Overland High School, and will be teaching on Monday.
At a news conference this afternoon, Moses said Bennish doesn't deserve to be praised, nor does he deserve to be fired. "Jay Bennish has promise as a teacher, but his practice and deportment need growth and refinement," said Moses.
"I will continue to try and improve myself as a teacher," said Bennish. "And I will continue to try and influence students to think critically about our world."
The announcement came after Bennish's attorney, David Lane, promised to sue the school district if Bennish was fired.
At a meeting Thursday, Bennish told Cherry Creek school leaders that he should have used a different dictator when comparing President Bush to Adolf Hitler in a geography class.
Bennish also told district officials that he should have balanced each lecture "contemporaneously" on controversial issues rather than over the course of the term, according to Lane.
was placed on paid administrative leave last week while officials probed allegations that he was biased after sophomore Sean Allen went public with a recording he made of a Feb. 1 geography lecture.
Bennish had cited "eerie similarities" between Bush's State of the Union address and "things that Adolf Hitler used to say."
Today in Washington, President Bush was asked about the Bennish controversy.
"I think people should be allowed to criticize me all they want. And they do," he said.
So apparently using your classrom to spew hate against your country in a time of war is no big deal. Just don't try saying a Christian prayer. A Muslim prayer would probably be ok.
- Here's the original post on this story in case you've been in a coma the past week.
- And again, if you haven't heard the shrill voice of Bennish for yourself, the audio of the tape is here.
- Dignan's 75 Year Plan goes point by point through Bennish's screed to document the factual inaccuracy, lies and propaganda that he will now continue to feed unwitting Colorado students at taxpayer expense.