
Friday, October 27, 2006

Michael Steele Fights Back Against Stem Cell Silliness

Forget for a minute that Michael J. Fox deliberately filmed ads for Democrats across the country while showing the most extreme symptoms of Parkinson disease. The real issue here is that Fox and Democrats in Missouri, Maryland and Wisconsin used the ad to accuse their political opponents of being against medical research to find a cure for Parkinson's.

Funny thing is that the ad run on Democrat Cardin's behalf in Maryland ignore the fact that Cardin voted AGAINST embryonic stem cell research.

The attempt to exploit and politicize the suffering of those afflicted by disease is one of the most venal, craven partisan acts that Democrats have used. And it's nothing new. AIDS funding, which exceeded most other federal health research grants has long been a political football for Democrats.

Michael Steele Fighting Back

The Steele campaign released the following ad today featuring Dr. Monica Turner, a Pediatrician, who has Multiple Sclerosis and is also Michael Steele's sister:

Steele has been on a roll lately in heavily Democratic Maryland. A recent poll showed him tied with Cardin. Even the Washington Post, which endorsed Cardin, acknowledged that Steele mopped up the place with Cardin in their first, and so far only debate. The results of that first matchup were so bad for Cardin, he skipped a planned second debate sponsored by the NAACP.

Steele has run a solid campaign which is humorous and tough without being mean. It's a clear mark of the man himself and a model for other GOP races.

Steele shows you can and should fight back against the outrageous attacks of Democrats and their campaign of victimology.

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