
Saturday, March 17, 2007

Eagles Rule the Roost!

Anti-American-war protesters light in attendance and intelligence. Our report from the scene continues...

11:30 AM:
Skye reports that the anti-American-war protesters (you'll notice they don't protest wars waged by communists/terrorists, just the good guys) crowd gathering near the Lincoln Memorial in preparation for their march to the Pentagon is rather light. The photo at right is from the assigned space reserved for America haters by the National Park Service.

(maps of the layout and where the Gathering of Eagles are located is available here)

Skye continues to post photos at Midnight Blue as she made her way through this sewer of anti-Americanism in search of a place to warm up before the main event begins. In her last cell phone report we could hear little but the shrill and angry voices of people who prefer to maintain their willful wall of ignorance, prejudice and delusion rather than face the painful reality of what this war is all about.

City Troll, Grizzly Mama Check Join The Gathering

Also reporting cold temperatures (gusting winds make it seem like 24 degrees F) but warm hearts are City Troll and Grizzly Mama who made their way down from Philadelphia in the early hours of this morning to show their support for our troops and respect for the sacrifice and honor America's war memorials represent. They've also met up with Always on Watch and Steve Harkonen.

City Troll (wish him a belated Happy Birthday) and Monica report that the Gathering of Eagles crowd continues to swell and that the media has been conducting interviews of the Eagles at the scene.

To illustrate the contrast between the two crowds, in both numbers and I.Q. Grizzly Mama (Monica) relates a confrontation she witnessed between some scrawny hippie America hater and some hulking biker type. It wasn't clear what caused the fracas, but the hippie was threatening to sue the biker who was simply standing there staring in disbelief at this stick insect. Wish we had a photo of that!

Cajun Tiger Confirms Anti-American-War crowd Light.

Noon: Cajun Tiger, who is also posting photos from the scene (see his photo of the Eagles at right) confirms that the Gathering outnumbers the anti-American-war protesters by "three to one."

Media reports also confirm that the large crowds predicted by anti-American-war protest organizers at 30-40,000 is also very light.

When last heard from Skye and Cajun Tiger were headed into Code Pinko land.

Stay tuned for the update from that bizarro world.

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