
Thursday, July 12, 2007

Roxie America's Manifesto for VICTORY!

That same inspiration of patriotism which motivated the Founding Fathers is alive today. Roxie, of Roxie's America published the following on July 5th. This is but an excerpt and I strongly encourage you to read the whole thing.

Roxie America
July 5, 2007

...In America’s war of Independence, thirteen colonies fought the Kingdom of Great Britain from 1775 to 1783. Just as it was in the 1700s, the cause of Americans today is the cause of all humankind. When vile people abuse power and commit homicidal-suicidal acts in the name of some God, it is a problem for all of humankind because the natural rights of everyone are affected but such barbarian acts. Never in the course of history have vile barbarians ever reformed as the result of talking to them. Elected officials may wish to deceive citizens into believing that vile barbarians can reform if we talk to them, but such belief runs contrary to all of history. Those who appeased the Nazis prior to World War II found themselves overrun by the Nazis. It took the greater portion of humankind, working together, to remove the Nazi party from the face of the earth.

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