
Friday, October 12, 2012

Hey Biden: Unemployment, Lies over Libya and Iran Are No Laughing Matter

Miss the debate? Here's Biden's laugh track:

A commenter on the debate put it this way:
The left thinks what happened in Libya is funny ?
The left thinks 23 million Americans out of work is funny ?
The left thinks the future of entitlements is funny ?
The left thinks not passing a budget is funny ?
The left thinks lying to the American public is funny ?
The left thinks our careless spending and debt is funny ?
The left thinks more tax on you and your business is funny ?
The left thinks the EPA killing jobs is funny ?
Joe Biden thinks it’s funny…
..but most Americans don’t think it’s funny !
Four years of economic and foreign policy failure is no laughing matter. Unless of course you're an old gasbag named Joe!

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