
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Will Dems Who Attacked Trump for being "Putin's Poodle" Now Attack Trump for Being Too Hard on Russia?

You bet they will and their hypocrisy will be lost on them!

Ever since the election Democrats have fanned the flames of a mass conspiracy and dis-information campaign to accuse Trump of being a Russian puppet and of Russian attempts to steal the election for Trump.

Not one shred of credible evidence has EVER been put forward to support these claims but that doesn't stop Democrats who have the audacity to insist that the lack of evidence only means they must have an investigation to find or manufacture some.

The Dem's absurd and vicious calumny has been blown to bits, literally, by the Trump Administration attack on Putin's REAL puppet in Syria.  Furthermore, Secretary of State Tillerson was criticized by Dems for being too close to Putin. But here's what Tillerson said in Italy before going to Moscow to confront Putin:
TILLERSON: It is also clear Russia has failed to uphold the agreements that had been entered into under multiple UN Security Council resolutions. These agreements stipulated Russia as the guarantor of a Syria free of chemical weapons, that they would also locate, secure, and destroy all such armaments in Syria. Stockpiles and continued use demonstrate that Russia has failed in its responsibility to deliver on this 2013 commitment. It is unclear whether Russia failed to take this obligation seriously or Russia has been incompetent, but this distinction doesn’t much matter to the dead. We can’t let this happen again.
Russia has really aligned itself with the Assad regime, the Iranians, and Hizballah. Is that a – is that a long-term alliance that serves Russia’s interest, or would Russia prefer to realign with the United States, with other Western countries.
Is that what you expect from a poodle?

Expect the Dems who falsely accused Trump of being in Putin's pocket to now attack Trump for being too hard on Russia.

No matter how contradictory they appear Dems will continue with their blind and unprincipled obstruction to Trump. They look so foolish but their supporters won't care. They're even bigger nuts.

P.S. When will the Trump hating media decide to investigate how the Clinton's cashed in on Russia ties?

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