
Friday, July 12, 2019

Trump Economic Miracle: Dow Jones Over 27,000. Up 4,000 Points in Less Than Two Years

Meanwhile, an economic bonanza for working men and women too!

Dow up 1,000 points in the last month alone!

Meanwhile, wages for working people are skyrocketing. Trump tax bill set off wave of wage increases for workers and the tightening labor market also means that workers can expect more in the future. Unless Dems manage to flood the economy with unskilled, illiterate illegal aliens.

And all of this happened despite Federal Reserve efforts to put on the brakes after years of basically free money during the Obama years which failed to jump start the economy.

Trump's economic miracle is a boon to all Americans. Lowest unemployment for Blacks, Hispanics and women and more buying power. Fewer people in poverty and more opportunity for all. That is unless Dems manage to force the train off the track!

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