
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Will She Pay Reparations to Herself? Sen. Kamala (I had to ride the school bus) Harris is Descendant of Slave Owners

Turns out the woman who has made race a centerpiece of her presidential campaign is the beneficiary of slavery!

Poor Kamala Harris. In the second grade she had to take the school bus to an integrated school. Maybe she just should have told them she's the ancestor of slave owners and they might have let her go to school closer to home.

Yep, Kamala may not have "white privilege" but she's got that slave master privilege which must be just as good. 
Brent Scher Washington Examiner: Sen. Kamala Harris (D., Calif.) is the descendant of an Irishman who owned a slave plantation in Jamaica, according to her father's lengthy ancestral summary of his side of the family.
Donald Harris, a Stanford University economics professor, revealed in 2018 that his grandmother was a descendant of Hamilton Brown, the namesake of Brown's Town in northern Jamaica.
"My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town)," he wrote in a post for Jamaica Global.
Hamilton Brown built the town's local Anglican Church, which is where Prof. Harris says his grandfather is buried. It is also where he himself was baptized and confirmed.
research archive of Jamaican records indicate that at one point in 1817, Hamilton Brown owned scores of slaves. The majority were brought in from Africa, though he also owned many Creole slaves.
Can't wait to see how Little Miss Race Race explains this.

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