
Saturday, September 21, 2019

Climate Hysterics and Freak Show Aside, They Still Can't Get Past Fact That ALL Their Doom and Gloom Predictions Have Failed to Materialize

And it's become obvious to nearly everyone that the real goal of these circus clowns is a socialist political agenda that has nothing to do with climate!

Oh the humanity! Not since the crash of the Hindenburg Zeppelin, an actual disaster, have we heard so much hysteric caterwauling as we have with global warming. For forty years now we've heard some variation of "we have ten years to save" the earth and every manner of dire prediction of doom and gloom. As one climate hysteric said on Earth Day we face the "obliterat[ion of] human life on the planet as we know it." Just one problem, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR PREDICTIONS HAS BEEN WRONG! As the clock ticked past each new prediction they just ignored it and went on to the next.

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) keeps an online press file going back more than 50 years documenting the scaremongering that has become so common on the left. It substitutes for real discussion on issues that effect life such as poverty, hunger, disease and literacy. Myron Ebell of CEI describes how the sky is falling crowd went from global cooling to global warming to climate change without skipping a beat and no one seemed to notice.

Environmental apocalypse predictions have failed for half a century

...Cooling was so '70s. By the late 1980s all the really cool people were predicting imminent catastrophes caused by global warming. James Hansen of NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies beginning in 1988 predicted major droughts and up to six feet of sea level rise in the 1990s. One reporter recalled that in the late 1980s, he asked Hansen in his Manhattan office whether anything in the window would look different in 20 years. Hansen replied, “The West Side Highway [which runs along the Hudson River] will be under water. And there will be tape across the windows across the street because of high winds.”
The doommongers have made countless predictions of imminent climate catastrophes in the three decades since Hansen’s debut. Let’s focus on just one: the melting Arctic Ocean icecap.
Al Gore predicted in 2009 that the North Pole would be completely ice free in five years. A U.S. Navy scientist in 2013 concluded that the Arctic’s summer sea ice cover would all be melted by 2016.
Bogus predictions confidently made are not always harmless. The Maritime Bulletin reported that on Sept. 3, 16 “climate change warriors” making a documentary film on the melting polar icecap had to be rescued by helicopter from their ship because it was stuck in the ice halfway between Norway and the North Pole.
Anyone who has ever visited New York City will be pleased to tell you that the West Side Highway is still well above water. But this hasn't stopped the hysterics from repeating the lies over and over as if that will make them come true. This was on display last week with the climate hysteric show on Capitol Hill. They hauled out children to scream and yell about the dying earth not stopping to ask why their parents, who may likely have believed the same thing 30 years ago are still alive and well.

But then here we are at the freak show on Capitol Hill. Not one of these speakers has the slightest clue what they are talking about regarding climate. And that doesn't really matter since they freely admit that what they are doing is using climate change to advance their view of socialism which is also something they don't know the first thing about.
You get the flavor. It's climate change, racism, socialism, free health care, state owned banks and the usual left wing laundry list.

If real America were to see exactly who and what these people are advocating for they would be run out of town. But with a compliant media that hides the worst and puts video of small children talking about trees on the news how can they lose? Just one note to the tree hugger, those trees LOVE CO2. The more the better. Besides, man made CO2 has a negligible effect on temperature:

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