
Wednesday, January 08, 2020

World War III? Iran Blinks After Trump Doctrine Makes Clear: You Kill Americans And We Will Wipe you Out!

Iran sent over a big fireworks show last night but deliberately avoided killing Americans. Another Trump foreign policy success!

Left wing bedwetters who never saw anything wrong with Obama ordering airstrikes that killed American citizens have been in a froth since last week. Trump was going to start World War III by killing Iran's master butcher Soliemani. The same folks who never minded when Obama failed to notify Congress before striking Bin Laden got all worked up about the Constitution (never mind they want to gut the Electoral College and 2nd Amendment) when Trump failed to notify the leakers in Congress.

Well, if last night's fireworks show was World War III then YAWN! Iran fired 15 missiles, 4 of which failed after launch and the remaining landing harmlessly by all reports in the desert of Iraq. Then Iran's foreign minister announced we're even:
That's all folks. Show's over!
President Trump also tweeted:
Meanwhile, Democrats continue to break all the rules about banding together in times of crisis. Politics used to "stop at the water's edge" but not with Dems. Readers may already be aware that the 2020 Dem presidential hopefuls are parroting nearly the exact hate Trump talking points coming out of Iran. Now, former Secretary of State John Kerry got into the act and called Trump has "rushed to confrontation." Maybe Kerry was too busy meeting with his former Iranian counterpart and undermining U.S. foreign policy to notice that:
  1. Trump didn't strike Iran when they targeted oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. 
  2. Trump didn't strike when Iran fired missiles into Saudi oil refineries.
  3. Trump held fire when Iran shot down our drone.
The Trump doctrine made it clear to Iran that we would take strong lethal action if they killed Americans. Then Iran directed the attack on our embassy and used their proxy militias to fire rockets that killed Americans in Iraq.  But you won't hear a single Democrat say anything critical of that.

Speaking of Democrats, House Speaker Pelosi chimed in:
Americans are under threat and Pelosi is drinking it up with pals. What a great role model for Democrats.

And while we are here, just how did Iran develop those lousy missiles of theirs and fund all those rockets and militia?  Could it have something to do with the pallets of cash Obama sent over to bribe them to sign his worthless nuke deal?

Here's the money Obama sent. Estimates range from $130-170 BILLION. It's now been used to kill Americans.  John Kerry admitted that some of this money would fund terrorism. That's the diplomacy he was talking about.

Obama cash to Iran used to kill Americans.
It's possible Iran will continue their secret war targeting the U.S. But now that Trump's doctrine has brought home to them the cost of their folly I wouldn't expect much of it.  But just in case, I make the following suggestion to our left wing Trump hating bedwetting comrades:
And just in case Iran didn't get the message, it may be just a "coincidence" that the Air Force put on display 52 new F-35 fighter jets on Tuesday. Fifty two is the number of targets Trump declared we would strike if Iran killed another American:

52 brand new F-35's ready for action!
We don't expect much from Democrats but they might want to rethink their hate Trump policy and get on the winning side!

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