
Saturday, November 07, 2020

If Biden is So Confident of Victory Why Hasn't He Demanded Democrat Run Cities Allow Full Transparency of Vote Counting? Instead, Opposite is Happening!

If Biden were to succeed in taking office under this could of illegality he would forever by an ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT!

Let's start with election night. Trump comfortably ahead in key states when suddenly in cities and states run by Democrats the counting stopped. Then inexplicably it suddenly resumed at 4 AM with dumps of tens of thousands of ballots all nearly 100% for Biden. Here's what the graph looks like: But that wasn't the end of it. In Philadelphia Democrats ignored state law and a later state judges order to admit GOP observers. Also in Pennsylvania postal workers have come forward and revealed they were instructed to backdate postmarks so ballots would count. In Michigan a whistleblower who was present at vote counting reveals that ballots which had no date stamped were being corrected by counting officials. One observer in Michigan describes mysterious luxury vehicles arriving at 4 AM Wednesday morning dropping off boxes of ballots.

 Across the nation concerned citizens have found recorded votes from thousands of dead people. In Nevada, thousands of mail in ballots were sent in from people no longer living in the state. How true is that in other states? Raising the fraud ante higher is the news that 6,000 votes for Trump in one Michigan county were switched to Biden by a computer "glitch." The same computer system (with components made in China) was used in 47 other Michigan counties and in every swing state. This tweet is being suppressed by Twitter which apparently does not want you to know how bad the cheating is: Now, let's step back and take a look at the larger picture.  We're supposed to believe there was a flood of genuine support for Biden despite the fact that Trump got the greatest share of minority vote in 60 years. Biden underperformed the vote totals of both Obama and Hillary Clinton in New York, Chicago and Miami but somehow we're supposed to buy this massive uptick in Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee?

The last nail in that coffin is how poorly downballot Democrats did even in those areas where Biden surged.  Democrat overall lost a significant number of House seats and failed to come close to taking the U.S. Senate.  Republicans added one GOP Governor and gained control of at least one additional state legislature. Both important for redisticting.

State legislative chambers hold the ultimate authority under the U.S. Constitution for certifying presidential election results. In both Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, Speakers of those chambers are demanding an audit. This is in addition to Trump campaign recall efforts and legal challenges.

Joe Biden could end the confusion now and demand full transparency and cooperation in vote counting and recounts.  He has not done that. Should he prevail under these circumstances then he could never call himself a legitimate President and any call for unity would fall flat.

Americans value the sanctity of LEGAL VOTES.  They will not accept an ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT!

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