
Friday, September 28, 2018

Angry Woman Screaming at Sen. Jeff Flake in Senate Elevator. The Face of Left Wing Fascism on Steroids!

The face of left wing fascism up close and personal in the halls of Congress!

Think for a moment the media reaction if an angry white man cornered Rep. Maxine Waters in an elevator in the U.S. House of Representatives.  Hysteric media coverage accusing Trump supporters of violent racism would be everywhere.  But if you're on the left and harass Republicans at every opportunity, even in the halls of Congress, suddenly that's ok.

Take a look:

Sen. Flake buckled after that encounter and supported Dem calls for yet ANOTHER delay in the vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh.

Meanwhile, Democrats leaked the home addresses of GOP Senators, including SC Sen. Lindsey Graham and protesters showed up to bang on the door of his home.  This follows other Senators and Republicans hounded from public spaces. Now they are showing up outside of homes. It's gone from public to private intrusions.  How will that end?

The death threats against the Kavanaugh family, including his two young girls, shows just how low these people will go. The hate hysteria about Kavanaugh is all over the internet and liberal media.  How long before another tragedy, like the attempted massacre of GOP Congressmen inspired by liberal media and left wing hate, happen again?

Once again, the hate, hysteria and fascism on the left continues to grow. No delay for an FBI investigation will appease that!

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